3 Actionable Outcomes that Website Analysis and Reporting Systems Can Identify – Gotta Have Faith


Throughout the recent Coronavirus crisis, the amount of web traffic across Australia has surged by up to 30%, which may be a problem for the NBN, but not for businesses with an online presence. Indeed, many businesses have pivoted towards an online presence through this period, as a result of many of their customers social distancing or self-isolating. And through all this, there is an increased importance for website analysis and reporting systems.

Many businesses, especially those who may have only just turned to the online platform, are loath to analyse their web traffic. With a lot of jargon and complex numbers and a lack of ability to translate the data into meaningful action points, businesses fail to grasp the critical importance and benefit that website analytics and reporting systems can provide.

With close to 20 years of experience in the digital space, Faith is well-positioned to help businesses set up website analytics and reporting systems and can work with you to translate the data and deliver actionable outcomes.

Here are just a few things that website analysis and reporting systems can help identify.

New and Popular Keywords

You might not want to talk about it, but search engine optimisation (SEO) and keyword identification is a pretty integral part of any website’s strategy. It’s all a little bit obscured, and Google will never help you out with it, but knowing what keywords you rank well for, what keywords your competitors rank well for, and what you maybe need to work on, are all critical outcomes of website analysis and reporting systems. The next step, of course, is to then optimise the website, but that’s where we come in with our search engine optimisation and paid search campaigns.

User Behaviour Across Your Site

To know how users who visit your site behave is a fundamental outcome of any website analysis and reporting system. Are users simply landing on your home page and then leaving without looking at any other page? How many pages are they looking at? When they get to a point of contact (like a form or purchase page), where have they come from? All these questions can be answered with analytics and should form the basis for website improvements and understandings. Do more to keep people on your website, across different pages, and make sure that when they go to convert it doesn’t take them hundreds of pages to get there.

Sources of Website Traffic

Knowing where your users come from is also a beneficial outcome of website analysis and reporting systems. Are they coming from social media? Is it mostly search traffic? What about directly (as in, just typing the URL into their browser)? Understanding this mix of traffic sources allows you to work on improving the ones you can control. Social media is a cheap and effective way to drive traffic to your website; do all you can to utilise that platform to your advantage. If you’ve got high direct traffic, that’s fantastic, but you want a more even split between all these sources. Knowing website traffic sources allows you to plan activity moving forward.

How Can Faith Help with Website Analysis and Reporting Systems?

Faith’s fully integrated marketing and advertising team know how best to set up and implement website analysis and reporting systems. Headed up by our media lead and supported by the account manager and digital lead, we can work with your organisation to help determine the best course of action over a period of several months; remember, this is not a one-and-done solution. And of course, if there is a need for creative work, video production, branding consideration, digital activity or media buying, we can help.

Get in touch with us today to learn more.

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