Updates To Décor Packaging


Décor has been making the everyday lives of Australians more enjoyable and easier for years, with beautiful homewares that are functional, affordable and made to last.

Founded in Melbourne in 1958, Décor has built its reputation on design excellence, product innovation and trusted quality across kitchenware, lunch and hydration products, picnicware, gardenware, baby products, brushware and cleaning products.

Décor has entrusted Faith to assist with a range of marketing activities, including television, print and digital but most recently with a series of packaging redesigns for a number of new and popular Décor products. We’ve also been tasked to assist with newly acquired iconic Australian brand, Willow.

We were briefed to bring the Décor packaging into line with the quality design and fabrication of their incredible products, while representing the modern, contemporary brand that Décor represents.

Some of the more recent product packaging projects we’ve worked on have included the Microsafe Cupcake Tray and Microsafe Tray, microwaveable baking sets which are truly quite innovative. We’ve also assisted with Décor Go Salad Sets and soon to be released Bento Lunchboxes, Dip Tubs and Willow Reva Pegs.

Décor were pleased with the results and have seen good responses from buyers and customers alike.

Faith’s relationship with Décor is built on a solid partnership and understanding and looks to continue well into the future. Stay tuned for the release of more innovative products (and quality product packaging) in the near future!

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