In April 2021, Faith completed work on a brand-new marketing initiative with the Toorak Village Traders Association, a 20-page high-end booklet distributed to local post boxes as well as in individual stores along Toorak Road.

Faith has significant experience in developing print collateral for brands, having developed the concept for and completed a number of Prahran Market Feed Magazines, as well as various maps, booklets and other print assets for a range of brands.

The Toorak Village Traders Association initially reached out to Faith during the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic, looking to explore how better to connect with their local customers. Many of the businesses along Toorak Road reported that much of their patronage came from within a 5km radius, so having something that really pushed the Toorak Village message to this audience was critical. In addition to this, Toorak is well-known as quite a high-end suburb, with premium style and refined taste, meaning that whatever was developed needed to match this aesthetic.

Picking back up on the project in early 2021, we quickly worked to determine the ideal format of our booklet, presenting an A5 horizontal booklet, with quite a heavy GSM (recognising limits through Australia Post distribution). 20 pages allowed us to combine a mixture of local trader stories, premium imagery and small advertisements as well.

In conjunction with local PR consultant, Craig Lawson, individual stories were written up and included in our booklet. Images were supplied mostly by the client, and we worked diligently to ensure that the presentation was perfect. The most challenging aspect of the booklet was the front cover itself, which was set up as a collage of different images representing the high-end nature of Toorak Village in addition to the various products and traders included. However, the end result speaks for itself: the document looks absolutely fantastic.

Going out to over 12,000 homes, the first edition of the Toorak Village Voice was a huge success. Almost immediately, traders reported customers enquiring about stories and products featured, driving huge traffic to different stores along the strip. The elegant design was warmly received as well.

There has been much discussion about future editions, from increasing page count to even higher GSM. We look forward to working with the Toorak Village Traders Association on future Toorak Village Voice editions. If you’re interested in any creative & design, branding, digital or media work, feel free to get in touch with us today.

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