This past month, we launched the brand new Lucky nuts website for Select Harvests. A long-term client of ours, we’re proud to have helped them with the next element of their digital presence.

Lucky came to us with an acknowledgement that their ten-year-old website was outdated and lacking in many of the modern features that their customers expected. They were looking for something modern, uncluttered and easy to navigate for their customers. With a plethora of recipes available online (constantly updated and added to), it was important that the platform was easy to maintain and use well into the future.

Faith, lead by our incredible digital designer Kathryn Farr, developed a website concept based on elegant design, stunning photography and simple maintenance that Lucky were very happy with. Utilising a WordPress build with easy template creation, we’ve ensured that Lucky are able to continue to engage their customers both in-store and online.

The new site features the same extensive recipe list, along with in-depth product information and brand understanding that gives the user a deeper connection with this iconic Australian brand. Presented in a far more attractive manner, with a fully mobile-responsive web design, both Faith and Lucky are incredibly happy with the finished product.

In the lead-up to a very busy Christmas period for Lucky, ticking off the new website is just the first in a long line of upcoming projects. Keep an eye out for more upcoming news from Lucky nuts and Faith.


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