ACCC | Share A Story, Stop A Scam Video Production


In August 2024, the National Anti-Scam Centre (NASC), through the ACCC, launched its Scams Awareness Week theme for 2024, titled “Share a Story, Stop a Scam.” With scams impacting Australians more than ever, there is a distinct need to encourage those who have been affected by scams to open up and share their experiences. Not only does this help others understand how easily these incidents can occur, but it also provides authorities with a better understanding of how these scams operate, potentially helping to reduce their effectiveness.

The Faith Agency won the tender to produce the hero videos associated with the launch of the campaign, identifying individuals who were comfortable sharing their stories on camera to better convey the theme of this year’s Scams Awareness Week. We partnered with long-standing production partners, Burninghouse, to bring these videos to life.

Working on an expedited timeline with a tight budget, we identified several scam victims who were willing to share their stories. However, the challenge that arose was finding individuals whose scam experiences were suitable for the theme. Some stories were more focused on identity theft than scams, which presented a slight challenge.

Each person interviewed bravely spoke directly to the camera about their story, and each interview was ultimately transformed into a series of video and static assets for use by the National Anti-Scam Centre and across various media outlets to promote the Scams Awareness Week campaign. We received the key visual identity of the campaign before producing the videos, giving us a clear sense of how to produce and edit them.

The results were outstanding, with key stakeholders inside and outside of the National Anti-Scam Centre thrilled with the outcome. The production process was remarkably smooth given the tight timeframes and budgets, with all involved working at an extremely efficient pace. We’re very happy with the outcome and look forward to continuing our ongoing relationship with both the ACCC and Burninghouse.

For more information, learn about our work in the Government space or in Video Production via our website, or get in touch with us to see how we can help you. IDCARE is Australia’s national identity and cyber support service and can help make a plan (for free) to limit the damage caused by identity theft. Call them on 1800 595 160 or visit to find out more.

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