Britex | Job Done Right. Job Done Britex

Britex | Job Done Right. Job Done Britex

Capture sufficient video content to assist with Britex’s content marketing requirements. Turn footage into brand ads while also drawing out hero images for use across a variety of platforms. We know Britex needs content, so we planned out a shoot that involved us getting as much as possible across a similar set of actions: identifying the problem, providing the solution and witnessing the outcome. These actions were replicated by different sets of actors all representing the different target audiences.
We organised a shoot in a large home in Melbourne’s north-east, featuring different rooms to give us different outcomes, all carpeted to reflect Britex’s core cleaning offer. Across the entire day, we achieved a variety of video assets, all following a similar pattern, which then allowed us to produce new hero videos with unique sound-effect approach and compelling voice over to tie everything together. These videos have made their way onto BVOD via our Media team, and statics pulled from the shoot have begun to make their way onto our social media channels and other digital presences.
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