Homesafe | Live Your Life. Debt Free.

Homesafe | Live Your Life. Debt Free.

Refresh the video content for longstanding financial services product, Homesafe Wealth Release, while also revitalising their brand and web presence. Working with production partner Burninghouse to pitch for the business, develop creative concepts and rebranding elements. We needed to continue to tell customers’ stories in a way that could provide real cut through and identify their unique point of difference.
The Faith Agency and Burninghouse interviewed countless customers to identify the right individuals to feature in the campaign. Across two days, we travelled from Melbourne’s north-west to south-east, capturing testimonial footage and compelling shots of them enjoy the positive outcomes from having used Homesafe. The finished outputs included a hero 30-sec, cutdowns for digital outputs and a completely refresh brand, including colours, fonts and logos. The finished outcomes have made a real impact on the marketplace and we’re keen to see where Homesafe goes from here.
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