City Jeep looks for more drive


Car retailing has never been more challenging. A proliferation of models and severe discounting has seen the ‘dynamic’ change a lot in the last twelve months. It is in this environment that Faith has been appointed to work with one of Victoria’s largest Jeep dealerships, City Jeep, across a diverse range of communication channels.

Faith’s first ads appeared in the Herald Sun in December, and reflect a focus on value and the brand. Radio advertising has also been created as the dealership looks to fine tune and improve its floor lead generation.

The changing ‘path to purchase’ for cars is now being more fully understood, together with the changing purchasing habits of where people buy cars, with the establishment of auto retail centres, such as ‘Essendon Fields’. Faith is looking forward to these new challenges, and working in a fragmented market, where sameness is sadly the norm and the importance of establishing a ‘differentiation’ and ‘personality’ for your brand is all important to future sustainability.

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