Produce four high-quality television commercials reinforcing the brand’s positioning line, “Exclusive, Yes. Expensive No.”. When pitching for the business, we brought an idea to the table leveraging their long-standing positioning line into a concept featuring customers that just couldn’t wait to enjoy their new furniture. Produced in conjunction with Melbourne production house, Burninghouse.
Produce a revitalised design of the long-standing brand ambassador, Dave, who started life as a stick figure almost 20 years ago. When the business brought advertising back onto the table, the first priority was to reinvigorate the Dave character, who is synonymous with the business across Western Victoria. Produced in conjunction with Melbourne animation house, Creative.
Execute a highly measurable and focused media campaign aimed at expanding the Good Food & Wine Show's audience while working with conservative budgets. The Faith Agency implemented a full-funnel media strategy targeting users at all levels of the path to purchase, primarily through digital media channels allowing a fully integrated, programmatic media campaign
Produce four high-quality television commercials reinforcing the brand’s positioning line, “Exclusive, Yes. Expensive No.”. When pitching for the business, we brought an idea to the table leveraging their long-standing positioning line into a concept featuring customers that just couldn’t wait to enjoy their new furniture. Produced in conjunction with Melbourne production house, Burninghouse.

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