Government Marketing Agency

Over the past several years, The Faith Agency has been a preferred supplier to the Australian Government producing a range of creative outputs across several departments, including the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, ASIC, Sport Integrity Australia and the ACCC. We are also on the Victorian Government’s register of approved marketing service companies.

Produce four hero videos for the ACCC's Scam Awareness Week 2024 campaign, sourcing the four individuals to be highlighted (each of whom had to be victims of a scam), in a timeframe of less than one month. Produced in conjunction with Melbourne production partner, Burninghouse.
In August 2024, the National Anti-Scam Centre (NASC), through the ACCC, launched its Scams Awareness Week theme for 2024, titled "Share a Story, Stop a Scam." With scams impacting Australians more than ever, there is a distinct need to encourage those who have been affected by scams to open up and share their experiences. Not only does this help ot…
Ensuring sport is safe and fair for all participants is part of the charter of government agency, Sport Integrity Australia.  Faith was recently asked to produce a video which outlined their new code of practice which informed sporting clubs around Australia as to the principles behind the codes as wel…
The ACCC approached Faith for assistance to launch the new safety regulations that will apply to quad bikes from October 2020. Fundamental to the new regulations was to produce film content for use on websites and social media that explained the changes. The new regulations come with a requirement that roll bars will need to be placed on the sale o…
In July 2017 Faith tendered and won a federal government project for the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, to create a range of videos for incoming international air passengers on Biosecurity and the laws as to what was acceptable to bring into Australia. The videos had to be shot in English, Mandarin and Hindu. The project extended ov…
Produce four hero videos for the ACCC's Scam Awareness Week 2024 campaign, sourcing the four individuals to be highlighted (each of whom had to be victims of a scam), in a timeframe of less than one month. Produced in conjunction with Melbourne production partner, Burninghouse.

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