Launching The New Freighter Group | Video, Creative Design & Media Campaign


For over 75 years, the Freighter name has stood for something important in Australian transport circles. And now, leading Australian trailer manufacturer MaxiTRANS has rebranded as Freighter Group, reflecting a new dawn for the business as they look to streamline their production processes with quality engineering, automated design and top-notch brand presentation.

The Faith Agency has long been a collaborative partner of Freighter, helping to align their communications with their audience across a variety of different media channels. While we didn’t have a hand in the rebranding development, we have been integral to launching the results.

Key to all of this was the Brand Launch event held at their Ballarat Manufacturing Facility and Head Office in the middle of October. The Faith Agency were tasked with helping to photograph the day and produce a sizzle reel video to communicate the excitement on the day. Collaborating with long-standing production partner Burninghouse we captured the industry luminaries invited on the day first taking a factory tour to view the new $50 million investment in to automated manufacturing, before filming the launch event itself as well as a networking dinner held afterwards.

In addition, The Faith Agency developed Freighter Group’s new digital display campaign, leveraging off the new “Ready To Move Australia” creative approach developed as a part of the rebranding effort. We also assisted with developing cut downs of their new hero video into compelling 30-sec and 15-sec variations.

Our collaboration with Freighter Group doesn’t end there, with updates to user manuals, brochures and much more still to come. We’re also collaborating on setting up their new CRM platform for ongoing eDM activities, including automation processes to keep new subscribers engaged for longer.

Of course, all this is with an eye towards next May for the bi-annual Brisbane Truck Show, which we have had a long and storied history with. We always enjoy a good automotive trade show, and Freighter Group has historically over-performed in these scenarios. We’re very excited by what is being cooked up.

Our work in the automotive and B2B industries is always a pleasure, exploring complex challenges with clients that truly care about what they do. To view more of our creative & videography work or our automotive industry experience, please explore our website further. Or, if it’s easier, just get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help your business.

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