MaxiTRANS Brisbane Truck Show 2021


In May 2021, MaxiTRANS were a key participant in the 2021 Brisbane Truck Show. For over 50 years, the Brisbane Truck Show has been a biennial trade show highlighting the latest and greatest from truck and trailer manufacturers across Australia and New Zealand. MaxiTRANS, as Australia’s largest trailer manufacturer, has been a key supporter of the show, and in 2021 were celebrating the 75th anniversary of one of their key product brands, Freighter.

Using this anniversary as the focus of their display, while also celebrating their other brands including Maxi-CUBE, Hamelex White and Trout River, MaxiTRANS sought Faith’s assistance across a range of different pieces. We originally consulted on stand ideas and how best to convey the story being told earlier in 2020, but in time for the show’s launch, we were required to develop key assets as a part of the presentation.

The first part of our assistance involved development of a number of different signs to be used not just at the show itself, but also during MaxiTRANS-specific events separately. With solid briefs and a range of key hero imagery, we worked quickly and efficiently to develop the appropriate assets to exact specifications.

In addition to the signage, we were also heavily involved in developing a brand-new range of brochures representing each of the six primary MaxiTRANS brands, as well as their Servicing and PBS capabilities. Created over a number of months, these brochures each had a shared look and feel to sit comfortably side-by-side, while still reflecting the unique advantages of each of the brands. These were developed primarily as digital-only documents, to be shared on the MaxiTRANS website and at the show using QR code scanning on mobile phones.

And most importantly, we developed the 10 various hero videos that were displayed next to each trailer featured at their stand. Cut together using an assortment of previous videos, advertisements and new concepts, these videos were a serious amount of work. However, thanks to the hard work of our internal video team and MaxiTRANS’ steadfast support, we managed to pull everything together in time for the show.

And what a show it was! With a huge amount of interested customers making their way through MaxiTRANS’ display, many internally and externally said it was their best show ever. Through the design & creative, strategy and videography work of the Faith team, we’re proud to say that we were a part of something special. If you’re interested in learning more about our B2B capabilities, get in touch with us today.





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