Now more than ever, mental health is one of the most important causes in our society. Far too many people have suffered in silence without support or encouragement to share how they are going. R U OK? aims to change this and has been doing so since 2009. Working with experts in suicide prevention and mental illness along with state and federal governments, academics and community groups, R U OK? seeks to open up conversations about how each of us is feeling.

Since 2017, MaxiTRANS has been closely linked to R U OK? Day (the second Thursday of September), committing to donating 1% of all sales made on the day to this incredible cause. They have engaged with their staff both in head office, dealerships and service centres across Australia to ensure that everyone has their voice heard and are asked, “are you okay?”.

Faith has been working with MaxiTRANS since late 2018 and has assisted in communicating their connection with R U OK? ever since. Mental health means a lot to Faith and we’re proud to help out.

In 2020, MaxiTRANS once again had pledged to donate 1% of all sales made on R U OK? Day, and asked Faith to develop a series of pieces aimed at conveying the importance of the day and letting customers know the good that they would be doing if making a purchase with the brand.

The primary point of communication for MaxiTRANS and its numerous dealerships and service centres across the country is a simple A4 flyer. To be prominently displayed in these facilities throughout the latter days of August and through September up to September 10th (R U OK? Day in 2020), the flyer had to cleanly and effectively communicate the offer as well as the backstory of R U OK? and of MaxiTRANS’ involvement. Our creative and design team was more than capable of developing an appropriate design fully compliant with MaxiTRANS brand guidelines.

A huge part of the MaxiTRANS business is social media management. With six primary brands having varying target audiences, as well as the parent organisation requiring a voice, Faith has managed these pages from the very beginning. It was of course critical that we leveraged these almost 25,000 users to engage with them about such an important cause.

A series of organic posts were developed to communicate the incentive, but paid activity was also coordinated to run simultaneously, both to spread the message beyond the organic audience but also to encourage those new users to follow the brands that were relevant to them.

Finally, a series of digital display GIFs were developed for MaxiTRANS’ own Google Display campaign as well as for external sources including Truck Sales, a critical cog in the new and used trailer market for MaxiTRANS. These GIFs sought to convey the basics of the campaign (R U OK? Day, the promotion, and where to find out more information) in a series of GIFs presented in multiple sizes, cleanly and clearly, with eye-catching design.

While the final results of the campaign are yet to be determined, we can be proud of MaxiTRANS’ and Faith’s involvement in such a critical cause. This campaign was a huge testament to the relationship that exists between client and agency, with quick turnarounds and exceptional results. We look forward to continuing our partnership with MaxiTRANS into 2021 and for the next R U OK? Day as well. For more information about how Faith can help your business, get in touch with us today.

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