Welcoming on board construction company MK Building Group was a lovely way to end 2023. The highly awarded firm offers a unique opportunity for homeowners to leverage their home through a collaborative venture between the two parties. MK Building constructs two custom-designed townhouses on the client’s own land, with the client keeping one while MK Building claim the other. The best part about the arrangement is that most often it requires no financing, a win-win for all parties.

With our years of experience across a range of different real estate clients, MK Building Group appointed Faith to develop a highly targeted digital campaign across digital display and social media to drive leads.

We’ve also been supported on the ground by leading real estate agents, Woodards. We additionally developed a full sales brochure printed and distributed across targeted suburbs in inner-Melbourne, all aimed at encouraging enquiry. We saw good engagement with this activity and are looking to continue with this strategy moving forward.

We look forward to continuing our collaboration with MK Building Group as the year progresses, particularly as we start to drive conversion and see these amazing properties come to life!

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