Outdoor Advertising

Developing campaign material for clients such as Adriatic is an ongoing process. With a promotional calendar stretching well out into the future, there needs to be a disciplined, ordered approach to the development of concepts, execution and, of cour…
In October 2021, Prahran Market once again celebrated their annual Say Cheese festival, chockful of cheesy goodness, from cheese tastings, interactive cookalongs and the fourth annual Grilled Cheese Invitational. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing Vic…
One of Prahran Market’s most popular annual events is the ‘Say Cheese Festival’. A range of cheese-related goodies, that celebrated all things cheese was developed by market management and the individual traders. With a significant portion of Elizabe…
Markets tend to be a microcosm of Australian society. They bring together all walks of life, colour and creed. Australian urban communities have changed during the last decade. Prahran and its surrounding suburbs reflect that change with a new mix of…
A new urban landscape is just one of the challenges for Prahran Market in an increasingly competitive retail food sector. With the growth of a younger demographic, high-density living and more people looking to live closer to the city, demographic ch…
As advertisers, we are always looking for the best way to engage with consumers and create a memorable impression. And with all the advertising noise these days it’s important to find a way to target specific individuals or groups, grab their attenti…
Developing campaign material for clients such as Adriatic is an ongoing process. With a promotional calendar stretching well out into the future, there needs to be a disciplined, ordered approach to the development of concepts, execution and, of course, delivery. In April 2024, Adriatic Furniture ran a Motion Recliner Sale, aiming to highlight the latest […]
In October 2021, Prahran Market once again celebrated their annual Say Cheese festival, chockful of cheesy goodness, from cheese tastings, interactive cookalongs and the fourth annual Grilled Cheese Invitational. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing Victorian lockdowns in October 2021, Say Cheese was run as an online-only event, but Faith was there once more to assist […]
One of Prahran Market’s most popular annual events is the ‘Say Cheese Festival’. A range of cheese-related goodies, that celebrated all things cheese was developed by market management and the individual traders. With a significant portion of Elizabeth Street shut for pop-up traders on the day, and special ticketed events and other activities, ‘Say Cheese’ […]
Hard on the heels of the aged care industry expose on the ABC 4 Corners program, the resulting media coverage and calls for a Royal Commission, Japara’s new campaign for its aged care centres has broken nationally. Created by Faith, the campaign draws on extensive research by Japara that did a deep dive into the […]
In May, news broke that acclaimed photographer Spencer Tunick would be returning to Melbourne to shoot one of his world-famous “mass nude” photos at the Woolworths in Prahran. Back and forth between Woolworths and the photographer around approval made national headlines for the event, and Prahran Market decided that they wanted in as well. They […]
Markets tend to be a microcosm of Australian society. They bring together all walks of life, colour and creed. Australian urban communities have changed during the last decade. Prahran and its surrounding suburbs reflect that change with a new mix of residents of different nationalities. Prahran market, with its diverse range of products, becomes an […]
A new urban landscape is just one of the challenges for Prahran Market in an increasingly competitive retail food sector. With the growth of a younger demographic, high-density living and more people looking to live closer to the city, demographic change is a constant for the Prahran Market. Given the dynamic landscape, expanding the appeal […]
As advertisers, we are always looking for the best way to engage with consumers and create a memorable impression. And with all the advertising noise these days it’s important to find a way to target specific individuals or groups, grab their attention and leave a resonating impression. Through event marketing you can do just that […]

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