Tax Agent Pathway | AI Avatars


In July 2024, The Faith Agency completed work with one of its long time clients, Tax Agent Pathway, on the beginning of a series of training videos for existing and potential clients. However, whereas previously these types of training videos would be produced at the very least with voice-over talent, if not actual performers, this time around we did things a little differently.

Tax Agent Pathway has always looked to engaged their clients in a different way. Tax agent training and tax preparation can be difficult to make attractive or exciting at times, but without fail, TAP work hard to streamline their messages into bit-sized, digestible chunks that clearly and effectively communicate with their audience.

While these training videos were structurally no different, the initial brief was to produce a large volume of them, close to two hours’ worth of actual content. Instead of sitting through a mind-numbing PowerPoint slide presentation or worse, we identified an innovative solution to help get the message across.

Did you know there are a number of AI Presenter platforms available across the globe? We utilised one of these platforms to create a digital avatar to help better communicate their message. Her name is Mary, and using a simple interface, we are able to have her give the entire presentation through simple text entry and avatar selection. The platform then produces the artificial voice and animates the avatar to appear as though they are speaking to camera. Working within the platform, we are able to adjust her expression, phrasing and pacing of speech, ultimately producing a terrific outcome. Of course, we then took the avatar video and incorporated it into a fine-tuned presentation template that could have repeated value over the rest of the series.

The video has proven to be quite popular with their audience, both as a means of engagement with clients and a recruitment tool across social media and YouTube, driving over 5,000 views in the first two weeks alone and several new business enquiries. The next steps are to produce additional videos for the client based on topics they identify. We’re looking forward to using different avatars and different voices to keep the whole program fresh.

If you’re interested in how The Faith Agency utilise AI platforms across our business, get in touch with us today to learn more.

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